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Since computers are meant to simplify our tasks, the man-machine 'interface' should necessarily be simple too. We are strong supporters of the jargon K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple and Stupid. We'll ensure the user interface to be intuitive and easy to use. As when it comes to the efficiency of a system, we always strive not to leave scope for further improvement - by employing algorithmic, structural and load-sharing principles. We also understand that it is essential to leave ample space for the growth of the system/organization in terms of flexibility.

We would like to grow with every project we take up. We try to make a step further with each project by building new and ingenious systems into the solution. This, we hope will make us stand tall in the arena.

MSR Management Portal

This online portal manages the Marketting & Sales representatives of the company spread all over the country. The system comprises a comprehensive client list divided into four zones - north, south, east and west. The sales representatives record their daily activities (like client-visit, transactional operations, market research etc.) in the portal. Zonal sales managers at the head office (possessing higher portal privileges) can manage and monitor the company's sales campaign - as well as the personnel's performance.

CRM Portal

This web portal is a commercial online Customer & Resource Management Portal (like Zoho, Sugar CRM etc.).

(CRM) Customer Relationship Management process is one of the more important topics in the world of business. Without proper customer relationship management there is no way to draw in and keep customers to your business and it will be unsuccessful as a result. CRM system will manage Sales & Marketing People, Daily Visit Reports, Service Engineers, Service Call Tracking, Customer Management, Order Processing, Tender Processing, Sales Invoice & Delivery Slip, Receipt, Stock Book & Inventory and Dealer Details.

Job Portal Management

This web portal is a commercial Job portal website (like Naukri, Monster India, etc.).

Career Info Application was developed for creating an interactive job vacancy form for candidates. An employer being registered in the web site has the facility to buy the services. Being an authorized user he can publish vacancy details, either of IT or Functional, of the organization. A Job Seeker being registered in the web site has the provision to fill up the Curriculum Vitae and in further he/she could update the resume. Based on the candidates profile the Career Info segregates candidates and post their resume to the corresponding companies.

Social Networking Portal

This web portal is a commercial online social networking website (like Facebook, Orkut, Linkedin etc.).

We have developed this webportal for Old Cottonians Association (Alumini) Members social networking site. Old Cottonians Association can able to register. Member will manage thier profile. Upload and Share their most pleasant movements photos and stories. Members can able to invite, manage and organize their personal events through our portal.

Other Projects

Apart from these, we have also designed & developed a number of web sites and application packages for our clients. We also developed some of the applications and web site as outsourcing projects.